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  Nr. 4087 de joi, 15 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
EU state ambassadors summoned to Cotroceni Palace
The President of Romania Traian Basescu argued in yesterday's meeting with the EU states' ambassadors in Bucharest that the Romanian government was supposed to prove able to take constant efforts and continue to consolidate the independence of Justice and the fight against corruption, Presidency Administration announced by press release.
The President mentioned that another issue was the efficient use of EU funds. While developing on Romania's post-accession priorities, President Basescu emphasized that Romanian citizens had to enjoy rights equal to those of all EU citizens. He meant the right to free circulation in the EU.
The official expressed Romania's interest in a successful EU-Africa summit due in Lisbon in December 8-9, expressing once again Romania's view on the Kosovo issue. (A.H.)
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