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  Nr. 4085 de marti, 13 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
500,000 workers wanted for Romania
-- Romania's deficit of employees is almost 500,000, mainly in fields like constructions, heavy industry and car industry. Romania's economy minister Varujan Vosganian said it yesterday. He argued in a press conference: "Our labor force deficit is almost half a million workers. There is need of more engineers and various workers."
After Romania joined the EU the labor force deficit has been growing because of a rather elderly population and because of intensifying immigration, the National Statistics Institute argues. Minister Vosganian said the car industry's development called for a reform of the education system and he also claimed the world of business was supposed to get involved in the education process. He explained: "In Romania there are more than 600 private education institutions like kindergartens and high schools. Many private high schools are some of the best high schools in Romania, unlike some private faculties."
Yesterday it was a black day for Romanian economy: the Stock Exchange went down, the national currency went as down as ever in the last 12 months and the National Statistics Institute announced inflation reached 6,84% in the last 10 months (meaning 1,84% more than the superior rate targeted by the National Bank of Romania and the government as well). (G.M.)
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