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  Nr. 4085 de marti, 13 noiembrie 2007 
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Foreign minister pleads not guilty of discrimination
Liberal Adrian Cioroianu, Romania's foreign minister, announced in yesterday's meeting of Romanian Liberals' heads that he would write to the CNCD (National Council against Discrimination) to specify that his previous statement on deporting people to the desert had not been discriminating, since it had been "about criminals, not about gypsies". Liberal sources say that, although not asked to, the foreign minister provided some explanations. Sources comment: "He insisted his personal opinion was that the sanctions against criminals should be tougher. He explained that his statement on deporting people to the Egyptian desert had been a slip of the tongue."
Yesterday the minister argued in front of TV cameras that his statement had been "uninspired". (...)
PSD wants minister Cioroianu to resign
The PSD (Social-Democrats Party) asked the foreign minister to resign, since his statements of "racist nature" could deadlock the means of diplomacy and dialogue with Romania. The PSD also demanded the PD (Democrat Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) not to support the EPP initiative, in case the latter group insisted for measures to limit the free circulation of immigrants in EU states.
The PSD spokesman Cristian Diaconescu argued in press conference that the foreign minister's resignation would be "a necessary gesture", as there were no institutional measures to relax the Romanian-Italian relations. (...)
Boc: Cioroianu continues to be foolish
Emil Boc, a leader of the PD, warned the foreign minister yesterday that he would have to quit, did he go on talking about the deportation of criminals to the desert. He argued: "If Mr. Cioroianu continues to be foolish, then his place is somewhere else than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Such statements compromise the substance of democracy in Romania, this country's democratic future and Romania's commitments. They also break the Criminal Code."
Emil Boc reproached PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu for not asking the foreign minister to resign and he accused the PM was willing to put up with anything to keep power. (...)
Liberals still support foreign minister
Senator Puiu Hasotti, a vice president of Romanian Liberals, mentioned yesterday that minister Cioroianu was still enjoying support from the Liberals and the Romanian Cabinet. He just added that, according to his Liberal colleagues, the foreign minister's statement had been "misfortunate". (R.G., R.A., C.E.)
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