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  Nr. 4082 de vineri, 9 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
President baits Romanian students abroad to return home
-- Last Thursday while in Oslo talking to a group of Romanian students studying at the Management University, the President of Romania Traian Basescu commented on the country's prospects and the need to clean the politics in Romania.
The President advised the Romanian students there to return home after graduation and contribute to it. "I am fully convinced those who will come home to work will be at advantage", the President mentioned. He claimed this would be an opportunity for them as both the foreign and Romanian companies in their native country paid experts very large wages. He argued: "Things are not the way they used to be four years ago. Wages have exploded. To those who study here it will be an opportunity to return to the country, given the great need of qualified staff." (R.I.P.)
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