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  Nr. 4082 de vineri, 9 noiembrie 2007 
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Is Romulus Mailat a murderer?
The murder Romulus Mailat is accused of has caused national hysteria in both Italy and Romania. There have lately been rumored several hypotheses and scenarios: rape or no rape, murder or no murder of Giovanna Reggiani, just robbery. Some claim the Romanian woman who denounced Romulus Mailat to the Italian Police lacks ability to discern. Others say Romulus Mailat had an accomplice. Giovanna Reggiani was attacked in a bus station or in a train station. Romulus Mailat's mother claims her son committed no murder, for there were no blood traces and the Italian police beat him. Here is some information able to make some things clear.
Madwoman's testimony
Romulus Mailat is accused of rape, murder and robbery. He admits the robbery only and he denies both the rape and the murder. Latest information and experts' finding no body traces of sexual aggression make the rape hypothesis look like exaggeration by the Italian press. Marian Mandroc, Romania's domestic affairs attache to Italy, said it himself.
The autopsy denied the rape hypothesis and the robbery was admitted true. And only the murder accusation is left. Is Romulus Mailat a murderer? The decision is up to a sentence. Until then, it is about the evidence and clues Italian investigators have got.
One proof is the testimony of Romanian woman Emilia Neamtu. She told investigators that she had seen Mailat carrying the Italian victim's body. But there may be a problem: the woman is mentally disturbed. It is even her son who admits this true. There is a medical certificate notifying her mental disturbance. It is one reason to doubt the witness's credibility. (...)
On the other hand, judicial sources say the investigators have got more proves showing beyond any doubt that Romulus Mailat committed the murder that horrified Italy, proves like blood stains and the victim's purse. (...)
Bogdan GALCA 
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