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  Nr. 4079 de marti, 6 noiembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
EU wants explanations for every decision to expel Romanians
The Brussels officials announced their view on the Rome government's ordinance effecting from the murder committed in the outskirts of Rome last Tuesday. The expelling of an EU state's citizens from another state must be grounded on individual motivations. The spokesman of EU Commissioner Franco Frattini highlighted yesterday that the expelling of groups was strictly forbidden by the EU legislation.
Frisco Roscam-Abbing explained that a member state was allowed to expel foreign citizens if it was about threat against public security or health and the expelling had to be an individual situation, but not a group one.
For the time being the European Commission hasn't responded to the Italian law the Italian Parliament is to consent to, a document settling the means to expel EU state citizens who jeopardize public security in Italy. After the Parliament passes the law, the Parliament of Europe is to evaluate it in terms of the 38/ 2004 Directive on the free circulation of persons in the EU. (...) (D.E.)
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