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  Nr. 4074 de miercuri, 31 octombrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Sinaia Royal Train Station to become history
The Royal Train Station in Sinaia was designed for the Royal Family and their guests, mainly presidents of foreign states. And even the Communist regime kept its as such.
Still the Association of Romanian Architects informs us that this Romanian style stone building once wearing the royal coats of arms belonging to Carol II is about to be demolished. It is actually a warning hopeful that "this barbaric act will be prevented before it is too late".
The Royal Station, a few meters away from the main train station in Sinaia, was build following the plan drawn by architect Duiliu Marcu in 1939. In front of the station there is placed a large stone used in the ceremonies that welcomed heads of state. (...) (L.D.)
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