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  Nr. 4066 de luni, 22 octombrie 2007 
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11 candidates to MEPs don't meet CPC requirements
The CPC (Coalition for a Clean Parliament) released yesterday a list of 11 candidates to run in the future election of MEPs in Romania, claiming they didn't meet the integrity requirements to entitle them to seats in the Parliament of Europe. The candidates at stake are 2 Liberals, 2 Social-Democrats, 2 Democrats, 3 representatives of the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party), 1 member of the PNG (New Generation Party) and 1 of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania). No candidate from the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) or the PC (Conservative Party) is in such a situation.
The CPC has got no problem with Theodor Stolojan (PLD) or Sorin Frunzaverde (PD), although they are still under some suspicion. The former is accused of having been a collaborator of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) and he is also being investigated by the National Anti-Corruption Department). As for the latter, they says he enjoys protection from the Prosecutor's Office, although involved in fishy business.
As for the Liberals, they are standing by Daniel Daianu whom they wouldn't replace from the candidate list, claiming the CPC has turned into a tool for President Basescu.
The black list
Costel Popa, a member of the Pro Democracy Association, said they had monitored 100 candidates on the lists and put 11 on the black list. He argued the latter should drop their candidacy since they didn't have the moral qualities required for a MEP. The 2 Liberal candidates in trouble with the CPC are Daniel Daianu (because of his membership to the Foreign Intelligence Department of the ex Securitate) and Cristian Anghel, a mayor of Baia Mare. (...)
Stolojan gets away with it
CPC sources say in the case of the PLD president Theodor Stolojan the poll was tight and the debates were hot. The CPC members decided in the end not to put him on the black list, since some thought the evidence against him wasn't reliably grounded that far. Costel Popa warned that, if evidence compromising some candidates emerged in the next month, the people at stake would reach the list.
Cristian ANDREI 
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