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  Nr. 4066 de luni, 22 octombrie 2007 
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The DNA discredits Justice
Our judicial system has turned into a battle between Justice and judges, more exactly between prosecutors and judges. Justice usually returns to the Prosecutor's Office, especially to the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), important cases with public personalities accused of corruption. And judges see that prosecutors have done their job and obeyed political orders, even if they are professionally compromising. Or it is about ungrounded indictments and unconstitutionally administered evidence and made up cases, just like in the time when communism was emerging.
Justice is now discredited because the public was taught to mistake the preliminary act of justice for the criminal inquiry. Under a presidential urge, the latter, which may mean investigations, but not followed by criminal inquiry, has got to include three compulsory stages: investigations, criminal inquiry and charges pressed, anticipating a sentence. It is a propagandistically approached operation meant to discredit the adversaries. As prosecutor Tulus mentioned, the adversaries are then under no more criminal inquiry, but only after their public image has broken to pieces.
Because of the Pharisee attitude at both democracy and the fight against corruption, Presidency pursued to compromise them both by using political police means in criminal inquiries and by deleting the presumption of innocence from people's minds. Th investigations in a judicial case reach the public space and the person at stake is taken for guilty before being sued and even before being investigated. There emerges the expectation for presidential consent to the criminal inquiry and then charges are pressed. The accused is as if sentenced already. And this image is a product by Cotroceni Palace, produced by the DNA.
The DNA is claimed to be an immaculate institution. Those trying to show its true colors, its true status of servant for the presidential interests, are categorized either as corrupted who want to escape Justice or as supporters of corrupted interests. Those who disturb the presidential line, officials and journalists, may find a criminal case against themselves out of the blue. All one has to do for it is denounce a lunatic, an agent or someone who can be blackmailed criminally.
When voting against the Justice minister's solicitation that prosecutor Doru Tulus should be revoked the Superior Council of Magistracy was wrong. The Council wronged its own Judicial Inspection, although consenting to the latter's report on the flaws and mistakes in the activity of the DNA, especially the department headed by prosecutor Tulus. But first of all the Council wronged Justice, because the members weren't brave enough to go all the way and do away with the deadlock on the judicial system in Romania. A politically ordered deadlock that the DNA sends to court, but which Justice sends back.
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