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  Nr. 4061 de marti, 16 octombrie 2007 
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President Basescu sets ultimatum for uninominal vote
The President of Romania Traian Basescu has warned that he will be opening procedures with view to referendum unless the Parliament sends the uninominal vote law for promulgation by Monday. The ultimatum is part of a letter that reached the presidents of both Parliament Chambers and the party heads yesterday.
The President argues: "As most citizens want the uninominal vote system to be used starting with the following parliamentary elections, I would like to get the new electoral law for promulgation by October 22, 2007." The authors insists: "Unless I receive the law to promulgate it by October 22, 2007, I will have to do my public assignments and release the decree to arrange a national referendum on the uninominal vote, on grounds of Article 90 in the Constitution." (...) (D.I.)
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