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  Nr. 4058 de vineri, 12 octombrie 2007 
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Romania is vulnerable to credit crisis
Romania is extremely vulnerable to the negative effects of the global credit crisis and the inflation intensification is over the 3-5% authorities target. Therefore the adoption of a severer currency policy is growing likelier. Shigeo Katsu, a regional vice president of the World Bank, estimates it.
According to the World Bank official, economy in Southeastern Europe, considerably dependent on foreign financing, will face difficulties in the attempt to avoid the impact of credit limitation at global level. Not only Romania, but also the Baltic States are very vulnerable to the credit crisis, he argues. He opines because of the present state of economy there is need to modify the currency policy implemented in Romania. The World Bank vice president mentions the National Bank of Romania has tried it, but because of a major event the institution has run into significant difficulties in evaluating the situation.
As for the Baltic States in general, the expert explains that the limitation of credits at world level, emerging because of problems on the US mortgage credit market, has not effected on this region yet, as the economic growth has been improving in the last years and economy has been trying to take distance from the traces left by Communism. Still he, warns, the countries about to integrate in the world's economy and the EU economy in particular may be most affected by it. (F.B.)
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