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  Nr. 4056 de miercuri, 10 octombrie 2007 
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Pacepa's theory on the assassination of JFK
-- General Mihai Ioana Pacepa's book "Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB and the Kennedy Assassination" is going to be launched next month both in the US and Romania.
After years of diligent research, General Ioan Mihai Pacepa is coming up with a new and shocking theory on the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The KGB coordinated the conspiracy, this is the conclusion reached by this expert in the means used by the secret services in the Communist camp. Still, the author claims, Moscow gave up the plan to kill the US President in the last minute, but Oswald could no longer be "unset" and he took action on his own.
This theory on the circumstances of the century's most controversial assassinate is to be found in the above-mentioned book to be released next month both in the US and in Romania. The Romanian version is to be printed by ZIUA Publishing House. The US press has already started debate on Pacepa's view. (ZIUA)
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