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  Nr. 4056 de miercuri, 10 octombrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Kurd extremists financed from Romania
The intelligence services in Turkey have warned the generality that the PKK organization finances terrorist action via several associations established in some European states, including Romania. The information is present in a report published by the electronic edition of The Journal of Turkish Weekly.
Marius Bercaru, a spokesman for the SRI (Romanian Secret Service), has replied that in the latest years the SRI has outlined the matter in every yearly report. He has mentioned that the contributions of such associations housed by some European states have been significantly diminishing in 2007.
The Turkish security services have listed in several reports those countries sheltering such associations: Romania, Germany, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Italy and Great Britain, apart from the US, the above-mentioned daily notices as well. Such associations provide the PKK with funds reaching $ 300 million the terrorist organization used to buy weapons. The final report reaching the Turkish military includes evidence on the PKK's involvement in drug and gun trafficking, warning that the terrorist organization has been expanding its activities in the Caucasus region as well. The drug trafficking affects mainly the Scandinavian states, the Turkish secret services have mentioned. (D.E.)
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