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  Nr. 4056 de miercuri, 10 octombrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
His Holiness Pimen was a Securitate informer
The CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) reached verdict that Pimen Zainea, the Archbishop of Suceava and Radauti, had been involved in the political police action of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). CNSAS sources mentions no member opposed this decision when voting, because there were clear facts showing his collaboration with the ex Securitate.
The CNSAS also decided that the initial verdict on Andrei Andreicut, the Archbishop of Alba, had been a collaborator of the same Communist institution was correct, thus dismissing the Archbishop's caveat. It is to be mentioned that the CNSAS postponed the verdicts to be reached on Timotei Seviciu, the Bishop of Arad, and Calinic Argatu, the Bishop of Arges.
As for His Holiness Pimen, he is the third high official in the Romanian Orthodox Church to get such a verdict. Nicolae Corneanu, the Bishop of Banat, and Andrei Andreicut, the Archbishop of Alba, were the first such officials whose collaboration with the ex Securitate was unveiled and officially admitted. CNSAS sources claim in the last two months there has come out information that the record of His Holiness Pimen was a "tough" one and the verdict has been unavoidable. It seems the Archbishop of Suceava and Radauti was connected both to the ex Securitate and the Foreign Intelligence Department and he had code names such as Sidorovici and Petru. The Archbishop wouldn't agree to undergo hearing by the CNSAS and provide extra information on his case. He may address the court to appeal against the CNSAS decision. (...) (C.A.)
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