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  Nr. 4048 de luni, 1 octombrie 2007 
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BNR governor: Save up RON
Mugur Isarescu, a governor of the BNR (National Bank of Romania), opines that Romanians should save up RON. He doesn't recommend frequent money conversion, given the associated costs. "I have got a piece of advice for you, for as long as I am a governor and afterwards: keep your savings in RON."
As for those who travel abroad wildly, the BNR governor admits savings in currency too. He comments: "I advise you to save up RON. It is best not to play with the money and move it to and fro. The currency rate will grow more and more unpredictable. And there is also the bank commission. If one wants to travel, one can save up currency too." He adds: "The interest can't bee too large, because it means gains for the most vulgar part involved in the activity. One does nothing, but one gains."(...) (E.I.)
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