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  Nr. 4048 de luni, 1 octombrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanians to protest in Rome
The Party of Romanians in Italy announced yesterday that next Wednesday there would follow demonstrations in front of the City Hall in Rome against the statements made by mayor Walter Veltroni. The president of Romanians' party mentioned: "We are going to ask the mayor to have permanent debates with the representatives of the Romanian community and the city hall authorities."
Late last week the mayor of Rome warned Bucharest authorities that, unless they took the responsibility for the Romanian migrants in Italy, the issue could be tackled at EU level. He said it after the incident that had occurred last Wednesday, when 1 Romanian had been killed and 2 were injured in a gun firing in Rome. Mayor Veltroni commented: "Public order has been getting worse in Italy, in this area, in the last months, especially after the Romanians' massive arrival." (A.G.)
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