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  Nr. 4048 de luni, 1 octombrie 2007 
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President Basescu didn't report to people
The Romanians in the University Square, Bucharest, last Saturday were split in two sides: the adepts of ex President Emil Constantinescu and the supporters of President Traian Basescu. The confrontation was between the members and adepts of the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) and of the AP (Popular Action) on the one hand and the side of the PD (Democrat Party) on the other.
Just as he had promised right after the referendum held in May 19, the head of state dropped by the University Square, right in front of the National Theatre, and he talked to the over 1,500 people there for a few minutes. His scheduled visit was the reason for counter demonstrations by the AP and the PNTCD, arranged by the PNTCD leaders and ex President Emil Constantinescu. The booing of the latter side, dissatisfied with Basescu's wish to confiscate "the University Square spirit", prevented the head if state from reporting to the nation, as he had promised to.
Becali attended the show
At 6 in the afternoon, people were crowding at the place, with folk Romanian music playing. Some were attracted by the concert meant especially for the Romanian retired, some were out for a walk. A well-informed group of PD fans was waving pieces of paper on which there was written "Basescu" and "Working President disturbs thieves".
About one hour later top PD leaders like Emil Boc, Adriean Videanu, Vasile Blaga and Anca Boagiu reached the promenade in front of the Theatre. And amidst the mob one could see a fair-haired, smiling figure: Elena Udrea. She told everyone the President would be there at 7:30. On the opposite side of the President's two daughters, the retired were chatting and telling impressions in front of TV cameras.
But Gigi Becali showed up, shading the presence of the President's younger daughter. The owner of the soccer club commented: "I am here to listen to folk music, not to Basescu!". And he talked to the crowd, not at all disturbed with the booing from the PNTCD people. The beggars and the Roma people were most glad about Becali's presence. (...)
Applause from the Theatre side, booing from the Architecture one
Shortly before 8 someone cried out: "He is in the Square! He has come!" And indeed, Traian Basescu himself was among people, hugging children, kissing people and being kissed, eating traditional bread. The head of state approached a tent placed by the stage, where he talked to Vasile Blaga and Adriean Videanu. While people were crying out his name, he got on stage and started his speech. But he found himself asking for solidarity, because of the great interrupting noise made by the PNTCD crowd.
"Remove the fences!"
"Remove the fences! Romanians must be together. I am asking the guardians to remove the fences and let the Romanians in front of the School of Architecture to come here. We must no longer be separated. History separated us enough and put the Prut River between us. Dear gentlemen with yellow flags, please come here among Romanians!" The President said it, while getting strong applause from his supporters. He replied to those reproaching him for coming to the Square, reminding he had been there several times, After getting off the stage, he came to talk to journalists: "I was here on June 30, but the Square was empty because it was very hot. I asked someone who stayed to tell me if people gathered and I stayed waiting in Cotroceni Palace till 8 in the evening. Had there gathered 5, 10 or 20 people, I would have come to talk to them. But they didn't. It was the first time I was supposed to report to them. " Then he just promised he would be back in the Square in December 30. (R.A.)
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