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  Nr. 4046 de vineri, 28 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
1 Romanian killed and 2 injured in Italy
1 Romanian citizen was killed and 2 were severely injured last Wednesday in a market part of a district in northern Rome, Italy. The 20-year old man died because of a bullet fired straight against his temple. The other 2 Romanians were taken to hospital at once, with their inner organs severely injured. Their state of health is very severe at the moment.
The Romanian Embassy in Rome is in permanent touch with Italian authorities in order to get information about the ongoing investigations. The Romanian officials there are also monitoring the two Romanians hospitalized. The Embassy is going to support the family of the deceased to get the corpse back to the country.
Italian authorities claim it looks like a vendetta involving two rival gangs. Eyewitnesses say last Wednesday at about 11: 30 in the night a group of men attacked the three Romanians close to the underground station of Nomentana. (...) (O.A.)
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