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  Nr. 4044 de miercuri, 26 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Deputies decide return of Bran Castle is illegal
Romanian deputies decided yesterday that the return of Bran Castle was illegal. The representatives of the Social-Democrat Party, the Democrat Party and the "Greater Romania" Party voted for a report by which the Parliament interferes in a family matter. The report is authored by the subcommittee who had looked into it, concluding the castle had not been returned to all the persons entitled to it. The property return documents are therefore declared null.
The report together with a decision draft are to reach the government, the Prosecutor's Office and the Constitutional Court. The latter institutions are recommended to take action and analyze the illegalities committed. It is to be mentioned that deputies' decision has got no juridical effect whatsoever. (...)
Adrian Iorgulescu, Romania's minister of culture and cults, announced yesterday that he would analyze the legality of this property return, although he thought it was legal and in keeping with the law. He described the Parliament's decision as "strongly politicized", showing "a leftist tendency that should have been left behind 18 years after the Revolution." The Liberal minister argued that, apart from political dimensions, the report was judicially poor and he promised to tackle it in today's press briefing. He concluded: "The lawyers of the Habsburg family have already opened a trial. But I am once again emphasizing the property return was done fairly, in keeping with the legal norms." (R.P., R.I.P.)
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