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  Nr. 4044 de miercuri, 26 septembrie 2007 
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Documents uncovered by Mugur Ciuvica are fakes
Mugur Ciuvica, head of the Group for Political Investigations, has recently uncovered some documents showing the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) is spying on the National Liberal Party and on Liberal senator Norica Nicolai in particular. The accusation that the SRI is interfering in Romanian politics is relying on electronic documents. Both of them are signed by General Vasile Stanciu and on one of them there is also the signature of SRI deputy Florian Coldea.
It is just that thorough analysis shows at least one of the two documents, the one signed by the SRI official, is a gross fake. Investigations with help from some photo edit programmes unveil that the signature of the SRI deputy, together with the stamp, were presently added over the text signed by General Vasile Stanciu.
But the SRI has just issued a press release announcing "domestic checks". Given this, it would be interesting to learn who wanted to release such documents and why. The most likely answer to this question is that it has been an attempt to compromise Mugur Ciuvica and the Group for Political Investigations by digitally mastered documents. (...) (D.D., M.B.)
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