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  Nr. 4043 de marti, 25 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Presidency informed about inquiry against ex minister Codrut Seres
The Prosecutor's Office informed Romanian Presidency yesterday about the case against Codrut Seres, a former minister of economy and commerce. According to the press release from the Public Ministry, the Prosecutor's Office demands that the President of Romania Traian Basescu should summon the special commission to analyze documents on a crime committed by Codrut Seres while a minister of economy and commerce.
The first case the ex minister is investigated in involves charges such as treason by sending secrets and making an organized crime group meant to unveil an economic secret. (...)
The second case is up to the Department for Fight against Organized Crime and Terrorism to handle and it concerns crimes such as undermining of national economy and supporting a criminal association. (...) (B.C.G.)
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