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  Nr. 4042 de luni, 24 septembrie 2007 
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POLITICS - In brief
Control of the vote of censure
The vote of censure comes to its last stage, as the Social Democrats are to submit the document to the Parliament today. After it gets on the table of the Permanent Bureaus of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the MPs have a whole week at their disposal to hear the text of the vote of censure and to debate on it in a plenary meeting. Until then, the political parties take up the TV screens with statements and strategies on adopting or rejecting the PSD (Social Democrat Party) initiative. To avoid surprises from their own MPs, PD (Democrat Party) and PSD militate for a strict control of the vote of censure, while PNL (National Liberal Party) threatens with reprisals in the Parliament. Even though he has announced his party wasn't interested about the governance, Emil Boc said they would back up a displayed voting, by means of call-over and that they would militate for a modification in this respect of the Regulation on the joint meetings. PSD appreciated the solution as an "amazing" one, but Mircea Geoana said he would monitor his MPs. In reply, the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Bogdan Olteanu (Liberal) warned that he would suspend the meeting of the Parliament in case he noticed the least intention of controlling the MPs options. (R.A.)
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