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  Nr. 4037 de marti, 18 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanians exploit Romanians
A group of Romanians cheated on and used violence against over 30 other Romanians, after taking them to work in Spain. The aggressed asked the Consulate in Seville for help. The institution got them shelter and provided a bus to take them back to the country.
According to Rador, the 32 Romanians reached Spain in early September and were taken to pick up olives in Bollullos, a locality in Seville, where they were beaten and left without shelter for the night. They were paid no penny for their 3-week work and last Saturday they got to the Consulate in Seville after running away from the farm. The authorities there gave them food and medical treatment for their wounds.
All the 32 Romanians are from Mangalia and they told the Consulate officials that the people who had promised them employment contracts and 500 Euro a month as wages were from Bolintin Vale. Spanish authorities are now making investigations to detect the group. (O.R.)
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