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  Nr. 4037 de marti, 18 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Augmented attributions for intelligence officers
Romanian senators are to analyze today the draft on the status of intelligence officers. The Chamber of Deputies passed the law authored by a group of Liberal senators tacitly, but senators' juridical and defense committees amended it substantially, demanding augmented attributions for the employees of the national security system.
The amendment belonging to Social-Democrat Mihai Popescu and senator Ilie Petrescu pleads that an intelligence officer should have the right to ask any person to support "the making of national security" and the respective person should keep it secret. In the US legislation there was a similar point, but the Supreme Court has recently declared it unconstitutional. According to the above-mentioned senators, an intelligence officer should be allowed to use public or private properties and spaces under exceptional circumstances and proving respect for the fundamental rights and liberties.
Social-Democrat Doru Ioan Taracila would like the secret services to send staff to work in other public institutions for 2 years and the respective service's chief should be able to prolong the stay yearly. Social-Democrat Cristian Diaconescu asks that an intelligence officer should be banned to be one company's only associate and be part of the board. (...) (A.I.)
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