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  Nr. 4032 de miercuri, 12 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
New Patriarch's day
This afternoon we are to learn who is the new Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, after an election thought to be more important than the election of Romania's President.
It is the Holy Spirit who inspires the Holy Synod to choose the candidates, first of all. Secondly, the Church is the institution the Romanian national, 87% Orthodox, trusts most. Thirdly, unlike a President, a Patriarch is elected for a lifetime to guide his nation to redemption.
This is why many churchgoers have announced they will be praying in the Metropolitan Church, Bucharest, today, waiting for an outcome to serve Romanian Orthodoxy.
In today's edition you can notice our daily continues to be objective by providing the profiles of the main favorites: His Holiness Teofan, Bishop of Oltenia, His Holiness Daniel, Bishop of Moldavia, and His Holiness Bartolomeu, Bishop of Transylvania. (ZIUA)
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