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  Nr. 4032 de miercuri, 12 septembrie 2007 
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Threat to expel Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase
Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase are under the threat of being expelled from the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) because of their public critique of the bill against the government decided by the PSD leaders, Mircea Geoana included.
The warning has come via the press from Dan Tudorache, a president of the PSD branch in Bucharest district 1, to which the two top politicians mentioned above are affiliated.
Dan Tudorache is the man who asked that Adrian Nastase be expelled at the time when the aunt Tamara scandal was progressing. Some PSD sources claim Mircea Geoana has got something to do with this latest move. They even say he consented tacitly, invoked "democracy within the party".
Debate on MPs opposing the PSD bill
(...) Dan Tudorache argued: " I am going to ask my colleagues here to allow me to approach this in next Tuesday's meeting of the National Executive Committee. My assignment is to represent a clear point of view on deputies and senators who don't sign for or vote against the bill. I suggest they should be sanctioned and even expelled. But the colleagues in this branch are going to decide on it."
The meeting of the Social-Democrats in Bucharest district 1 took place yesterday afternoon, when both Ion Iliescu and Adrian Nastase claimed the bill against the government was standing no chance.
Right after Tudorache's announcement, Mircea Geoana produced a press statement invoking democracy within the PSD.
Iliescu: This breaks the status and it is dishonest
Ion Iliescu got irritated at it yesterday. He commented: "This breaks the status and the Constitution. Since they are elected, the MEPs are free to vote the way they please. Party discipline is a completely different matter. It is parliamentary groups and the national party leaders who rule the conduct of the MPs. It is not the district branches who order. This is a little infantile." He mentioned he wouldn't attend the meeting due next Tuesday, arguing: "I go where I am invited, not where I am not."
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