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  Nr. 4030 de luni, 10 septembrie 2007 
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Anti-Communist union born
The right center union was born last Saturday in Timisoara. On the birth certificate there are the signatures of Calin Popescu Tariceanu, president of the National Liberal Party, Marian Milut, president of the National Christian-Democrat Party, Emil Constantinescu, leader of the Popular Action, Gheorghe Ciuhandu, honorary president of the National Christian-Democrat Party and Adrian Iorgulescu, a Romanian minister of culture.
Authors say one main purpose of the action is to promote the lustration law. In his speech PM Tariceanu described the making of the union as a coherent project to call for the emergence of a leftwing freed from Communism. Emil Constantinescu argued the project was a long-term one, absolutely necessary at present.
There was also argued that the neocommunist groups and the populist political forces were the new union's adversaries. According to the makers, the union is against "the so-called Social-Democrats, politically disguised, who have found themselves to be a rightwing overnight". (...) (A.P.)
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