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  Nr. 4030 de luni, 10 septembrie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Gusa: There is a criminal record against the Justice minister
The DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) is investigating the Romanian Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu for his consent to an illegal collaboration between the Romanian Post Office and a private company. It was Cozmin Gusa, leader of the PIN (National Initiative Party), who announced it yesterday.
According to the deputy, in April 2007 the Justice minister approved of a government decision by which a building situated in 133-135 Victoriei Avenue passed from the state's public property to private property, thus allowing for illegal business between the Romanian Post Office and a group of interests related to the Democrats and Liberals. It dates back to August 2005, he claimed. He added: "I have got precise information we have checked on that right now the DNA has got a case in which the Justice minister is accused."
According to Gusa, the beneficiary of the business is a group of companies run by Sorin Creteanu, part of the Baneasa-Popoviciu group and also a business partner of Democrat Adriean Videanu. The PIN leader asked both the Romanian President and PM to take public attitude and make things clear.
Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu replied briefly that there was no criminal case against him. (R.I.P.)
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