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  Nr. 4021 de joi, 30 august 2007 
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POLITICS - In brief
Agent PD
-- The president invokes the referendum for the uninominal for the sake of the Democrats' electoral percentage
The political actors, except for the Democrat Party (PD), accuse a possible organization of the referendum at the same time with the Europarliamentary elections, a scenario circulated by President Basescu. PSD (Social Democrat Party) leader Mircea Geoana considers the head of state breaches Brussels' recommendation according to which the Europarliamentaries should be organized independently of other elections or national interest themes. PM Tariceanu claims that the approach of Cotroceni Palace is an unwanted Romanian premiere in the European political landscape. The Liberals qualify Basescu's statement as a non-sense under the circumstances that there is a political will for the introduction of the uninominal voting. UDMR (Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) anticipates that the head of state will have the referendum organized on October 25th, even though the law on the uninominal voting is adopted. The parliamentary parties appreciate that in fact Basescu will use the referendum to campaign for the Democrats. PRM (Greater Romania Party) member Lucian Bolcas understands the presidential action as an attempt to blackmail the Parliament.
A r h i v a
  Electoral campaign for PD on public money    
  Enemies at the church    
  Geoana attacks CNSAS    
  APD: President, predictable    
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