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  Nr. 4021 de joi, 30 august 2007 
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LATEST - In brief
APD: President, predictable
Chairman of Pro Democratia Association (APD) Cristian Parvulescu appreciates that the uninominal two-round voting system, preferred by the head of state, is not opposed to that proposed by APD, the announcement Traian Basescu made on Tuesday being a predictable one. "The president's announcement doesn't surprise me. Traian Basescu was predictable. In fact, I don't consider the president's gesture was an unfriendly one, on the contrary, I take it strictly as an invitation for the parliamentary parties to finish the work they have begun", stated Parvulescu, as quoted by Mediafax. He supported his theory invoking the reason why Basescu announced that he would choose the alternative in two rounds for the introduction of the uninominal voting, as it is the easiest to explain to the population. Parvulescu said that the head of state in not in opposition with the principles of the ADP project. (R.I.P.)
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