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  Nr. 4021 de joi, 30 august 2007 
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Enemies at the church
President Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu-Tariceanu ignored each other yesterday all along the service for the canonization of Metropolitan Bishop Varlaam at Secu Monastery in Neamt County. The two kept avoiding for two hours to speak or to look to each other and got one after the other in the middle of the people, for a "crowd bath", says a Mediafax release.
Basescu and Tariceanu preferred that, in the middle of the service, celebrated by a group of priests headed by HH Daniel, Metropolitan Bishop of Moldova and Bucovina, to take seats at a distance of one another. After the religious ceremony attended by almost 7,000 people, the president descended in the middle of the pilgrims for a "crowd bath", being followed, at a distance, by the Prime Minister. Basescu shook hands with the people, who began to tell him their problems, while PM Tariceanu discussed with others about the pension increase. Then, the head of state and his wife went to a building of the monastery where lunch was ready. The pilgrims were also waited with food at the monastery, as more than 1,000 meat rolls in cabbage and fishmeal had been prepared. The church of Secu Monastery contains the coffin with the bones of Metropolitan Bishop Varlaam. His canonization coincided with the dedication day of the monastery, The Beheading of the St. John the Baptizer. The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church has approved, at the proposal of the synod of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina, the mentioning among the saints of the BOR calendar of the learned Metropolitan Bishop Varlaam of Moldova, its celebrating day being August , 30th. (A.H.)
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