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  Nr. 4017 de sambata, 25 august 2007 
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Ungureanu gives up top position on candidate list for election of MEPs
The leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) are thinking about replacing Mihai Razvan Ungureanu, top of the list of candidates for the election of MEPs, either with Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu or with defense minister Teodor Melescanu. It is because the ex foreign minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu has stepped back.
Top PNL sources told the NewsIn yesterday that the ex foreign minister might give up his candidacy because of very complicated "family matters". They also claimed it had nothing to do with Ungureanu's migration to the PLD (Liberal Democrat Party) or some other party. Ungureanu didn't say it whether he was still running or not.
Although the Liberals have officially denied problems with his candidacy, he is sure not to attend the meeting of the PNL Permanent Delegation due next weekend. According to the same sources, if he quits, foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu or defense minister Teodor Melescanu is most likely to get the top position on the Liberal candidate list. Liberal sources told the NewIn that several ministers in the Tariceanu Cabinet might become candidates to the Parliament of Europe, in case the Social Democrats' bill against the government passed in the Parliament, which would mean overthrowing of the government.
The Liberals are also considering the idea to get several personalities in sports, music and civil society join the candidate list and get involved in the Liberal's electoral campaign for the election of MEPs: Nadia Comaneci, singer Dan Bittman, Cristian Parvulescu, a president of Pro Democracy Association, or Renate Weber. (D.I.)
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