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  Nr. 4011 de sambata, 18 august 2007 
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Tokes and UDMR head parliamentary elections together
The leaders of the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) and those of other Magyar groups supporting reformed episcope Laszlo Tokes took one more step towards consensus in yesterday's talks. According to Zsolt Szilagyi, a vice president of the CNMT (National Council of Magyar Youth), they decided on the practical means of expressing pluralism within the Magyar community. The UDMR leaders admitted the need for several candidate lists for local elections.
As far as parliamentary elections are concerned, the two sides agreed to have candidates on a common list in order to reach the minimum 5% required to make it to the Parliament.
On the other hand, the CNMT leaders demanded the UDMR for modifications on the political party law and they elaborated a set of amendments so that the UDMR would provide it to the Parliament.
According to Zsolt Szilagyi, the UDMR representatives also agreed, at least theoretically, to support in the Parliament the various projects aiming forms of autonomy for the Secui (Magyar community in Transylvania) County, projects the Parliament has been delaying for several years now. Still the UDMR wants them debated again in order to harmonize views.
But not even in yesterday's meeting did the two sides approach the hot issue of funds administered by the UDMR exclusively. More talks are due next week. (R.I.P.)
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