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  Nr. 4003 de joi, 9 august 2007 
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Heavy rain sweeps Black Sea beaches off
Torrential rain and storms damaged Tuesday night the promenades in the south of the Romanian seaside and scattered the beach sand. The military firemen together with guardians evacuated the inhabitants and tourists from the houses and hotels in Black Sea resorts like Eforie Nord, Eforie Sud, Costinesti, Jupiter, Neptun, Cap Aurora and Venus. The flooding water was half a meter in houses already. Wednesday morning most tourists had to end their stay.
Resorts severely damaged
In less than one hour the rain poured with 80 liters/ 1 square meter, bringing torrents that broke large parts of the promenades in the above-mentioned resorts. The sand on these beaches was washed away by torrents on considerable surfaces and the emerging ditches are 2-4 meters wide and 60 centimeters deep. Authorities say the most damaged beach is the Esplanada in Venus, as 70% of its surface was destroyed. (...)
Tourists left
The damaged beaches have been closed for one week and hydrologists estimate they can clean them on time, reconsolidate the promenades, bring sand and clean it.
But the rain and cold weather scared tourists in the southern resorts away. The weather forecast announces more rain and chilly air for today and tonight. Blizzard is also likely to hit some parts of the country.
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