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  Nr. 3986 de vineri, 20 iulie 2007 
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Basescu rejects the selling of the RAAPPS and MoD buildings
President Traian Basescu is discontent with the way in which the Parliament and the Government have regulated the selling procedures for some buildings from the patrimony of RAAPPS (Self-managed Department for Administration of the State Heritage and Protocol), and also with the possibility to sell the job-provided homes in custody of the Ministry of Defense to their current tenant. The head of State sent back to the Parliament the two legislative documents asking for their reexamination.
Government Ordinance no 28/2007, regulating the selling of the buildings in the patrimony of RAAPPS, has been amended by the Parliament so that a direct negotiation with the tenants may replace the bidding. "The bidding must remain the only method to transfer those real estates, as it represents a strong guarantee against corruption and the only way the public has access to purchase them", says the President in the letter sent to the Parliament. The President appreciates that the law shouldn't block the best offers, the tenants being able to hold a right of reference just in case their offer is equal to the best offer of another potential purchaser. Basescu also asked for the reexamination of the amendments brought to the Law no 562/2004, by which MoD is allowed to sell the job-provided homes to their current tenants and also to purchase other buildings with the same destination. (...) (A.I.)
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