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  Nr. 3984 de miercuri, 18 iulie 2007 
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-- The President and the PM have roughly been misinformed by the state institutions. The archive of the PCR (Romanian Communist Party) have never been classified
Dorin Dobrincu, new director of the National Archive (AN), claim that they do not contain classified information and that restricting access to documents has been done by invoking a out-of-date law. Guilty for this are the former directors and AN: Ioan Scurtu, Costin Fenesan and Corneliu Mihail Lungu. "It is likely that a certain orality of the old regime on the PCR archive has perpetuated and, that is why, the idea that this is classified persists", Dobrincu added. At the 28 June CSAT (Supreme Council of National Defense) meeting, in the presence of all the heads of secret services in Romania, Basescu asked Tariceanu to declassify the PCR archive. The PM has announced he would even propose a Government Decision on the matter. The political class rallied the president's request without anybody wondering whether the archive really is classified.
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