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  Nr. 3982 de luni, 16 iulie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Promulgate or resign
The leaders of Romanian Liberals have asked the head of state to promulgate the pension raise law or resign. Varujan Vosganian, a Romanian minister of economy, has overtly demanded the Romanian President Traian Basescu to quit unless he agrees to the pension raise, decided by the Cabinet in power. The minister argued yesterday that the budget was able to cover for this measure, claiming that any opposite opinion, the President's included, was ungrounded. He commented: "It is clear to me that Mr. President is angry that the pension raise idea isn't his. The budget law for 2008 will show if this decision is possible or not. If the Parliament passes it, but the President doesn't promulgate it, I think he should resign. Unless the Parliament passes it, it is us who should quit." According to the minister, if the system is able to fuel raised pension in 2008, it would manage to do the same afterwards, because of a reliable economy growth, as expected.
Liberal Teodor Atanasiu announced his party wanted extraordinary session on it to be held and the Social-Democrats joined the initiative. Social-Democrats Viorel Hrebenciuc and Ioan Stan have recently threatened the President that, unless he promulgated the pension raise law, they would open procedures to suspend him. (...)
(A.H., R.I.P.)
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