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  Nr. 3979 de joi, 12 iulie 2007 
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EU and US support wanted
-- Sorin Iliesiu, vice president of the Civic Alliance and initiator of the appeal asking that Communist crimes should be officially condemned, Teodor Maries, a president of the 21st December 1989 Association, and Antonie Popescu, senior of Students' League, sent an open letter to the President of Romania Traian Basescu, the US ambassador in Bucharest and the Parliament of Europe. The authors demand support so that those responsible for the murders committed in December 1989 in Romania should be urgently sentenced. They also point to the delaying of the criminal cases on the Romanian Revolution and the coal miners' attacks in 1990 for several years. The document is critical of the Constitutional Court's latest decision to remove the cases from military prosecutors to civil ones.
In the letter there is argued as follows: "In these last 17 years, those guilty of the most dreadful assassinations by communism in the world, the slaughter in December 1989 and the fratricide in June 1990, have not been convicted. The main guilty for the crimes is Mr. Ion Iliescu, a President of Romania for 10 years, a former Communist activist."
The authors address President Basescu, as they think it is his duty to take action so that Justice would urgently restore the truth about Romania's recent history. In the document there is explained the entire evolution of the two cases and there are reminded the recent promises of general magistrate Dan Voinea, in charge of the cases, claiming that: "the cases will reach courts this year. The first are to be sent this month and the next one."
There is added that, after Ion Iliescu was charged with instigation to murder in June 18, 2007, "the Constitutional Court of Romania, made up of members mostly appointed by Ion Iliescu the accused, decided that the cases were to be removed from military prosecutors and transferred to civil prosecutors to handle so that the sentences would be delayed for years." Hence the main discontent of the Romanians fighting to unveil the truth and see the guilty convicted. There is also outlined: "This year both the general attorney and the minister of Justice committed to see that solutions would follow urgently." The authors warn: "Neither Romania nor the EU, neither NATO nor the US must put up with such injustice." They plead: "The truth is the only way Romania can make it. The EU, the NATO and the US need Romania to be clean and cured of the consequences of the crimes committed under the Communist dictatorship."
The last paragraph addresses the Parliament of Europe and the US ambassador to Romania, expressing kind request for support: "Help us exorcise the demons of the past in order to prevent them from reaching the future!"
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