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  Nr. 3978 de miercuri, 11 iulie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Palace in exchange to support
From now on the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) members will feel comfortable in a luxurious building to be the party's headquarters. This real palace of the PRM can anytime compete against the Social-Democrats' offices on Kiseleff Street or the Democrats' headquarters.
PRM sources say the luxurious building, once belonging to the inter war minister Nicolae Caranfil, was given to Corneliu Vadim Tudor by the RAAPPS
(Self-Governing Department for Administration of the State Heritage and Protocol), after the backstage parliamentary deals sacking Social-Democrat Adrian Nastase, speaker of the Chamber of Deputies. Sources claim that the PRM leader promised support for the Tariceanu Cabinet in exchange to the respective building. (...) (R.G.)
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