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  Nr. 3975 de sambata, 7 iulie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Civil society is against special protection for ministers
The Initiative for Clean Justice, Pro Democracy Association, the Independent Journalism Center and the Press Monitoring Agency are concerned about the Constitutional Court's decision admitting the exception of unconstitutionality in the Zambaccian case against the ex Romanian PM Adrian Nastase. According to the above-mentioned organizations, such a decision may generate a legislative attitude hyper protective of ministers and ex ministers.
In a press release sent yesterday, the associations argue that during a criminal trial there are enough guarantees by which prosecutors or judges may eliminate ungrounded complaints against ministers. The authors also claim that there is no legal ground why ministers should enjoy greater protection against the law than common people do.
The NGOs have it that in cases such as the ones against Adrian Nastase and Serban Mihailescu the trial must continue, because the effects of the Constitutional Court's decision concern only the future. (...) (O.B.)
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