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  Nr. 3974 de vineri, 6 iulie 2007 
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French companies invest 3,5 billion Euro in Romania
The total of French companies' investments in Romania reaches 3,5 billion Euro, but the real funds invested may be even larger, said Herve Bolot, the French ambassador in Bucharest, in yesterday's opening of the 4th edition of the Days of France in Bucharest. It is to be added that investments in public constructions, building material in particular, have undergone a 20% improvement this year.
Ambassador Bolot explained: "The most important 50 French companies represented in Romania are among the first three players in their field."
Patrick Gelin, president of the Foreign Investors' Council, said in his turn that the statistics on French investments in Romania were difficult to quantify. According to Gelin, the profile of companies investing in Romania included presence on the Romanian market since the mid 90s, very long-term investments, presence in all areas of economy and participation in civic projects. (F.B.)
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