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  Nr. 3971 de marti, 3 iulie 2007 
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Democrats want Frunda replaced
Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, a speaker for the Chamber of Deputies, reminded yesterday that it was the Romanian Parliament who appointed Romania's representatives to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In the press release he explained that the promotion of citizens' rights and liberties was the fundamental pillar of collaboration in the Council of Europe.
The Romanian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe announced last week that Romania's representatives would no longer participate in the institution's activity until MEP Dick Marty in person came to Romania to check on "the so-called secret information and evidence" on grounds of which Romania was accused of having housed secret detention centers.
Romanian Democrats are going to demand the Parliament to replace Gyorgy Frunda, a senator from the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania and also a head of the Romanian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly. The latter official is reproached for not taking attitude during the debate on the Marty Report held by the juridical committee in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. (R.G.)
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