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  Nr. 3971 de marti, 3 iulie 2007 
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Democrats top vote preferences
-- According to the latest opinion poll by IMAS, the PD (Democrat Party) would get 50% of ballots, did parliamentary elections take place next Sunday.
According to the research released yesterday, half of Romanians would vote for the Democrats and only 15% would go for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party). The PNL (National Liberal Party) comes next due to 11% and the PNG (New Generation Party) is rated with 10%. The PLD (Liberal Democrat Party), the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) enjoy 4% each. As for the National Initiative Party and the National Christian Democrat one, each of them reaches only 1% of vote preferences. There is 21% of Romanians who don't intend to go voting.
As for trust, Traian Basescu is still top of the list (56%), followed by the PNG leader Gigi Becali (33%) and the PLD president Theodor Stolojan (31%). (...)
Wrong way
Most Romanians (56%) think Romania is going the wrong way and only 38% believe the opposite. As far as the government's activity is concerned, 23% of Romanians think it is better than the previous Cabinet's, whereas 24% claim the opposite. It is to be mentioned that the error rate at stake is 2,8%.
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