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  Nr. 3968 de vineri, 29 iunie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Bidding with dedication
-- The Liberals and their UDMR (Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) partners take money out for the budget even from dry ground. Vosganian-led ministry gave the companies run by Peter Elek and Eugen Nicolaescu work to do within the National Geologic Programme
ZIUA holds the proof that contracts are being served to the clients and political allies. A list of the companies that have received funds for the National Geologic Programme (NGP) - related projects for 2007 has appeared before the jury unsealed the offers of proposals. The bidding took place on 29 May and 8.98 M lei were alloted. Among the "winners" nominated by the Directorate Human Resources within the Ministry of Economy and Finances (MEF) are Geolex Miercurea Ciuc and SC Foradex SA. Peter Elek is a shareholder at Geolex Miercurea Ciuc, appointed, upon the UDMR proposition, at the head of the National Company of Mineral Waters. Geolex received 10 B lei (old) from the public money for a geological research project. Another winner of the bidding is SC Foradex SA, which is financially counseled by an audit firm belonging to Eugen Nicolaescu and his wife. (...)
A r h i v a
  Intellectuals and power    
  We don't withdraw from Iraq    
  100 000 Euro for former political detainee    
  Tariceanu contradicted by Vladescu on pensions    
  Temporary directors at CNA and TVR, due to lack of quorum    
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 Presedintele autosuspendat al Israelului, Moshe Katsav, a demisionat oficial (42 afisari)
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