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  Nr. 3964 de luni, 25 iunie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Vacuum cleaning wife
Shortly after the Liberals took over, a company belonging to the wife of Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu won the auction for a pre-campaign on the Rural Development Project. The obscure company called "Conen Consulting" with Costanta Nicolaescu as main shareowner got 1,24 billion ROL (almost $ 40,000) from the state budget.
Still the money isn't much as compared to other business. The contract signed with the Interior Ministry is as immoral as possible because when the deal was made Nicolaescu's party was in power. In an almost identical case, the Da Vinci affair, Social-Democrat minister Hildegard Puwak resigned.
And apart from the above-mentioned company, the Nicolaescu couple owns two more. And all the three companies have got debts to pay to the state budget. The 'minister of death' didn't tell his wife that he was a shareowner of the Agerr Solutions Company. Constanta Nicolaescu learnt from ZIUA about her husband's involvement in the latter company. (...) (G.T.)
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