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  Nr. 3963 de sambata, 23 iunie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
President Basescu to meet with President Putin
While in Zagreb, Croatia, tomorrow, the President of Romania Traian Basescu is to meet with the Russian President Vladimir Putin during the regional energy summit. According to the Croatian Presidency, the presidents of Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia have confirmed their attendance. Greece is to be represented by a deputy minister at the Zagreb event, to be attended by a European Commission representative as well.
As for tomorrow's meeting between the presidents of Romania and the Russian Federation, it is estimated to be of crucial importance, because President Basescu has been the straightest official in the Black Sea region to promote a new approach to the relations with Russia. The reunion is meant to offer regional states' representatives an opportunity to express views on current energy matters. (...) (G.D.)
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