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  Nr. 3960 de miercuri, 20 iunie 2007 
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Disabled state
Disabled Romanians are not at all managing. Although the Constitution has it that citizens are equal in their relations with the law and public authorities, without privileges and discrimination, there are enough cases of severely discriminated disabled. The difficulties such people have to face sometimes go beyond what a human being is able to put up with. Still they manage to survive.
A disabled Romanian has to struggle to survive each and every day. As if the disability weren't enough, most of them have to fight against the state and Romanian society as well. As for laws on the disabled, they exist. But the application is scarce, as authorities are in no hurry to do it. The "healthy" Romanians aren't very fond of helping the less lucky ones. It is difficult for a normal person to find a job, but the disabled Romanians have go more obstacles to overcome. Public authorities' indifference and disinterest in this category are just two examples.
They don't want mercy, but their rights
The disabled ask for no extra. They don't want mercy, but just respect for their rights. They don't want to be taken for outcasts. Some of the disabled are more competitive than 'normal' people.
The motion handicapped who can't walk normally make one most unhappy category. The law asks every public institutions (public utility buildings, means of transport and stops, cabs, train wagons and main train stations, parking areas, public streets and roads, public phones and so on) for special access to be used by such people. As for public transport, the problem is to be settled by 2010. As for public institutions, 2003 was the deadline. Silviu Didilescu, a president of the National Authority of the Disabled, said late last year that only 10% of Romanian public institutions had such special access. He mentioned the blocks of flats lacked it and the disabled had to stay at home. He also added the traffic lights lacked special signs for the blind and so on. A few days ago the ZIUA reporter asked him about the news. "Things aren't all right, but they are improving", he answered. The special access required was improving, he claimed. (...)
Bogdan GALCA
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