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  Nr. 3960 de miercuri, 20 iunie 2007 
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President wants no Russian troops in Transdniestria
During yesterday's GUAM summit the President of Romania Traian Basescu expressed concern about initiatives to reinterpret some international treaties, such as the one on conventional troops in Europe. The Romanian official pleaded for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transdniestria and for international troops to be fetched instead.
But Vladimir Voronin, President of the Moldovan Republic, didn't miss the opportunity to offend Romania once more time: he described last Sunday's confrontation while elections were taking place in the village of Corjova as a "provocation" coming from "certain groups" in Russia and Romania.
Withdrawal of Russian troops
The Romanian President argued during the summit in Baku: "Romania thinks the adopted Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe should come to force and that the ratification should follow only after the Istanbul commitments on the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Moldovan Republic and Georgia have been achieved." According to President Basescu, a regime to control the arming should be based on transparency and predictability and it should not effect from negotiations on other matters of regional and international security.
The President underscored Romania's interest in settling the frozen conflicts in the Caucasus and the Black Sea region and he commented it was the only way to help democratic consolidation and economy development as supported by the GUAM states. He added it was a means to improve the GUAM states' dialogue with Europe and with the Euro-Atlantic space as well.
The Romanian official also mentioned Romania's appreciation for the efforts taken by the mediators, but he also pointed to international organizations' concern about these conflicts as potential threat against regional security and peace. The President pleaded for the continuing participation of the OSCE, EU and UN in the definition of peacekeeping international forces in the Moldovan Republic and Georgia.
US wants international troops in Transdniestria
The US thinks the reformation of forces in Transdniestria is necessary, just as the making of civil troops. It was David Krammer, a US State Department official, who announced it after meeting with the Moldovan PM Vasile Tarlev. The meeting took place in Baku, Azerbadjan, during the GUAM summit.
The US official expressed support for Chishinau authorities' efforts to reach a solution to the Transdniester conflict. He also claimed Russia had to obey the Istanbul commitments on withdrawal of troops from Transdniestria.
The US diplomat recommended Moldovan officials to attend several international events to express view. The NATO general secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer announced last Monday, during a Brussels meeting with the Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin, that the NATO was taking interest in durable political solution to the Transdniester conflict. (...)
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