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  Nr. 3952 de luni, 11 iunie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
President to award Star of Romania to Dniester heroes
The President of Romania Traian Basescu announced yesterday while at the Bookfest that he was going to award the Star of Romania to the 3 Romanian heroes Andrei Ivantoc, Tudor Petrov Popa and Alexandru Lesco.
It is to be reminded that in 1994 the Patriarch of Romania awarded the 3 Romanian heroes at the Dnister River with the Patriarchal Cross, the highest distinction the Romanian Orthodox Church as got for the non-clergy. The Romanian Patriarch is waiting for the three to come to Bucharest for blessing.
The organizations of former political detainees and of the anti-Communists in 1989-1990 as well as more than 100 Romanian personalities have joined the award idea. (...) (D.E.)
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