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  Nr. 3952 de luni, 11 iunie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Tismaneanu Commission to be reestablished
Historian Vladimir Tismaneanu announced last weekend that the commission analyzing communist dictatorship would be reestablished as a consultative presidential commission to elaborate a dictionary of the communist system and see to the presidential grants the President of Romania had announced in December 18, 2006. (...)
The historian also mentioned he agreed to what the President had stated in his speech when condemning communist crimes officially in the Parliament of Romania in December 18, 2006. According to Tismaneanu, that speech was "a cornerstone in history". He argued that the initiative to sentence communism had to continue with a "reasonable and humane lustration law". He opined that ex President Ion Iliescu would call it witch-hunting and he claimed it would be no such thing, because the witched were "innocent beings", whereas the officers of the Communist Secret services and Communist activists weren't. (...) (R.G.)
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